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Church Security Checklist for Churches

Threat Assessments

Short Description

CPTED Audit & Site Assessment Checklists for Churches: A comprehensive guide to enhance church safety and security


This comprehensive download includes a detailed CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Audit and Site Assessment Checklist specifically tailored for churches. It is an invaluable resource for church leaders, security teams, and stakeholders aiming to enhance the safety and security of their church premises. The checklist covers various critical aspects such as:

  • Physical Layout and Environment Assessment: Analyzing the design and arrangement of church property to identify how it contributes to overall security.

  • Entry Management Measures: Evaluating methods used to control access to the church, including doors, gates, locks, and electronic systems.

  • Surveillance and Visibility: Assessing the church's capability to monitor activities, both through natural observation and technological means like security cameras.

  • Maintenance and Upkeep Review: Identifying areas that may encourage criminal behavior due to neglect or disrepair.

  • Community Interaction and Engagement: Considering the church's relationship with its surrounding community and partnerships with law enforcement and neighborhood watch programs.

These checklists are designed to guide church authorities through a thorough CPTED audit, ensuring a holistic approach to safety and security. The resource is essential for developing a robust security strategy that balances safety with the welcoming nature of church spaces.


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